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Art’s World

Art’s World – Pornography in the Third Reich

  Introducing... PRIVATE PORNOGRAPHY IN THE THIRD REICH This is something I think you will find both fascinating and interesting. It is ...
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Art’s World – Happy 80th Birthday to Superman!

Today, April 18th, marks the 80th birthday of the Man of Steel. It was on this day eighty years ago that Superman made his debut in DC Action ...
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Art’s World – My Predictions for the 2018 Major League Baseball Season

I’ll admit it, I am a baseball junkie, a devout fan, a historian of sorts of the game and have been following baseball in many different ways ...
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Art’s World – Porn and Baseball…..WTH?

For years a variety of lawmakers in various cities and states have tried their best to outlaw pornography and shut down adult businesses. Medical ...
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Art’s World – A Nude Restaurant? In Paris, where else!

Okay, we have heard of themed restaurants here in the U.S. and other cities around the world and have even dined in a few. There is everything ...
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Art’s World – History of German Porn” Gretchen Kraut Collection – It is available from

  This something a bit different for my "Art's World" feature, but I trust you will find it very interesting and something to check out ...
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Art’s World – Little Known Fun Facts about the Oscars

We’ll get back to the subjects about sex in the next edition, and we have a real doozy for you then. So excuse my being a movie trivia buff. T...
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Art’s World – Do You Ever Have Sex Headaches?

Okay, we have all heard and made fun of the line, “Not tonight honey, I have a headache.” The fact is this could very well be totally ...
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Art’s World – Sex Resolutions for 2018

It’s a brand new year and most people make a futile attempt at making resolutions they intend to make happen in the new year. Quit smoking, less ...
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Art’s World – Some Very Special Christmas Songs!

First let me say these are not intended to make fun of people with these disorders, I have dealt with them in my own family (#7, 5 and 1) and ...
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