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Art Koch

Time for a Few Laughs!

  There is too much insanity and craziness going on in the world. Let’s take a little time for some laughs and brighten up the day.  ...
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Art’s World – Porn and Baseball…..WTH?

For years a variety of lawmakers in various cities and states have tried their best to outlaw pornography and shut down adult businesses. Medical ...
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Art’s World – A Nude Restaurant? In Paris, where else!

Okay, we have heard of themed restaurants here in the U.S. and other cities around the world and have even dined in a few. There is everything ...
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Art’s World – History of German Porn” Gretchen Kraut Collection – It is available from

  This something a bit different for my "Art's World" feature, but I trust you will find it very interesting and something to check out ...
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Art’s World – Little Known Fun Facts about the Oscars

We’ll get back to the subjects about sex in the next edition, and we have a real doozy for you then. So excuse my being a movie trivia buff. T...
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Fun Facts & Trivia about the Super Bowl

Super Bowl Trivia & Fun Facts The Pittsburgh Steelers have won 6 Super Bowls, most of any team, while the New England Patriots are 4-4 in ...
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Yuk, yuk, yuk………..Time for some Jokes!

There was an Irish wedding reception. After the dinner was finished the D.J. said, "Would all the married men here please stand next to the one ...
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Fun Facts About Food

We all love to eat and many of us eat more than we should. We love our pizza, steaks, burgers, ice cream, fruits and others foods. Here is some ...
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Art’s World – Do You Ever Have Sex Headaches?

Okay, we have all heard and made fun of the line, “Not tonight honey, I have a headache.” The fact is this could very well be totally ...
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Fun Facts about SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are fun facts about everything, sports, movies, television, history, cars and more. So how about some fun facts about everyone’s ...
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