Tampa, FL, March 20th, 2020 Fifty year old landmark location goes dark to in person patrons to protect against the spread of COVID -19 and to better promote social distancing. Yet to still provide entertainment worldwide to online patrons worldwide who are sheltered in place with limited methods for enjoyment.


“At 2001 Odyssey we immediately agreed to conform with the Emergency Executive Order for closure of all Bars & Nightclubs statewide, within 24hrs of locking our doors, we found that the website we were directed to for application to the state to participate in emergency funding defined our establishment as Not Eligible. The state of Florida is mandating our closure but, are not willing to assist us in any manner. So we made the decision to mirror what the Broadway Shows are doing and broadcast our stage shows via live streaming on the web. This allows the entertainers & DJ’s a method to continue some type of revenue and provide a service to our regular in person patrons who can now watch and tip from the safety of their own homes”

Stated Don Kleinhans, President 2001 Inc


This forced closure although completely understood and agreed to be necessary for social distancing, it is greatly unfortunate that this business due to it’s “Adult” definition by the state now is left to fend for themselves however needed. Offering the live stage performance online via appears to be our only choice somewhat comparable to telework.  This service will be available via limited hours 9pm eastern till midnight.


If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Don Kleinhans at 727-742-1358 or email at